Test, test, and test!
It is not self-evident that design agencies test their own designs in-house. Often technical drawings are made of the final concept, after which the product will be developed further by a manufacturer. It may happen that the design agency loses sight of the product, because they think their job is done.
However, by doing so an important phase of the design process is forgotten. First of all you no longer have a grip on how the designed product will actually look once produced, and also as a designer you do not get any feedback on your work and thus cannot learn from your design. Your design on paper can be completely different than when you physically have it in front of you!

We use this machine to test the durability of strings.
One of the most important things to test after your design is ready for production is how the product is assembled. It is very instructive to assemble the product yourself. Some things can be made better, smarter or easier. With design for assembly you try to make the assembly of the product as easy and intuitive as possible for the mechanic.

We use 3D printers to print our concepts and test them out.
At Fabrique Invent we also build our products ourselves, several times even. Not because we have nothing else to do, but because we believe this makes us better designers! In addition to our office in Delft, we also have a large workshop where we perform endurance tests, material tests and UV tests executed.

In this aluminium box there is a strong UV lamp. We use this to see the effects of UV on certain (plastic) materials.
Curious about our workshop and test room? Feel free to drop by, because in addition to testing, we also have time to drink a cup of coffee!
Aluminium course at Fabrique Invent.
Theo shares his knowledge and experience every year.
A short summary: aluminium
All the ins and outs about our favorite material.
Designers of the future.
Behind the scenes at our agency.