Portfolio ARCHIE the bin of steel.
ARCHIE the bin of steel.
Waste separation is becoming the norm, not only at home but also in public spaces. BestBIN’s ARCHIE contributes to this.
Develop a waste bin for BestBIN, which should make waste separation easy for the general public, thereby ensuring that more people contribute to this important practice.

We developed ARCHIE, a bin with two compartments. One opening for PMD (plastic, metal and drinks cartons) and one for residual waste. Each compartment fits a bag of 120 to 240 litres. In order to ensure that ARCHIE remains standing, it can be anchored into the ground or it can be fitted with a deadweight in the shape of a standard tile which also makes it suitable for indoor use, by schools, for example.
The ashtray is easy to empty without getting dirty hands, and it keeps cigarette butts off the street. The space below the opening lends itself well for advertisements or city marketing.

This friendly looking waste separator can be used indoors and outdoors. It doesn’t only separate waste, it also features space for advertising. The first bins have been sold, and we are looking forward to a cleaner future.

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