Portfolio Voting booth vB&vH
Fabrique saves democracy.
The Netherlands is a democracy in which the opinions of citizens are listened to. We are proud to say that Fabrique has contributed on this.
Voting machines, used for elections in many municipalities, could no longer be used due to fears of hacking. That’s when Van Beem & Van Haagen had the idea to put a new voting booth on the market.

Fabrique developed a lightweight, cheap system made out of aluminium profiles. The box can be folded and is easy to install, and has its own bag for storage. The bag includes a pocket for a red voting pencil. There were only 12 weeks between the moment that we got the order and the first prototype.

The Dutch municipalities showed enormous interest and so far more than 25,000 booths have been produced by a social workplace in Amsterdam. A social workplace employs people with disabilities or other issues which make it difficult for them to find employment.
Based on the first model, Fabrique has developed a number of different variants, such as a further collapsible version for the English market. The complete range is now also being sold in other countries.

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