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Portfolio Innovative POS Materials

Polarising display for sunglasses

Together with inventor Feddow Claassen Fabrique developed a in-store display that brings the presentation of polarised sunglassess to a new level. This new idea in the world of POS materials shows the high quality of these sunglasses instantly, and also attracts the user from a distance.


Feddow Claassen had the idea to remove the polarising layer off of display screens, so that the glass of the sunglasses could show the polarisation. The fun thing is, when the display is placed behind the sunglasses, the display will show only white light, but when the user looks through the sunglasses he will see the content that's been played on the display. Fabrique's role was to realise and execute this idea.


This resulted in a retail display stand where the sunglasses can be placed in front of the display screen. Fabrique designed the display so that it's manufacturable and easily transportable. The sunglassholder also has a high quality look and feel, which fits the sunglasses that will be presented there.


In the end a smaller variant is being manufactured, produced and displayed in the stores. The display can be used for a variety of brands.

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